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10 Reasons Why I Moved to Germany | Reasons to Move to Germany | Reasons to Move Abroad | Life in Germany | Expat Life in Germany | Living Abroad in Germany | Expat Life Abroad | Why You Should Relocate to Germany | Living in Germany | Best Things About Living in Germany | Expat in Germany - California Globetrotter

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you click on one and make a purchase, I might make a little extra spending money, at no extra cost to you. As always, all opinions are my own and these products/services have been found useful during our travels and come highly recommended to you from yours truly!

Since moving to Germany 4 6 years ago, I continuously seem to have one main conversation whenever I meet someone new. It goes something like this:

Friend/Student/Stranger: “Where are you from?”

Me: “I’m from California”

Friend/Student/Stranger:WHY did you move to Germany?”

People in Europe are usually dumbfounded by my solo move to Germany 4 years ago and why I am still here. Most Europeans dream of at least visiting America one day, if not finding a way to work abroad. The world believes that America is the best country in the world, home of the free. The country known for “Liberty and Justice for All” where men, women and children of any background are all created equal.

We have American Football, Cheetos and Budweiser and good burgers. How could I possibly leave this all behind?

Well, since I was in the 8th grade (13 years old), I have studied German and had a love affair with the fairy tale castles that were plastered to the walls of my classroom. Then one summer, in 2000, my family did a big trip to Europe. Part of that trip included learning about family history between Austria, Germany & Switzerland. It was on this trip that I met our tour guide, who spoke 8 languages fluently. I wanted to be like her. Throughout my school career, I studied German, French and Spanish, only to have German stick the most.

There has always been some kind of connection to Germany for me. It was more than just the language. I would return in summer 2003 to live with a German family for a one month exchange program, go to a German high school, come back again in 2007 to study abroad at the University of Heidelberg and finally uproot my entire life to Germany in 2012.

So, let’s start with the obvious reasons why I truly moved to Germany: 

1. The architecture inspires romance and beauty

I am a dreamer at heart and love to live in a world where there are beautiful places, romantic stories, far off lands with princes and princesses. Some would say I watched too much Disney as a kid, but I beg to differ. But how can you compete with castles and palaces in Germany like this? It’s what makes Germany so awesome!

10 Reasons Why I Moved to Germany - Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria, Germany - California Globetrotter

In a world that can be so cruel and ugly sometimes, it’s nice to be able to escape to somewhere incredibly beautiful and romantic, to a time long gone and admire the intricate craftsmanship that went into building such magical masterpieces. In today’s world, this kind of passion to inspire magic seems to have disappeared. Creating the newest expensive piece of technology overnight isn’t the same as admiring historical feats of architecture that took hundreds of years to build.

Rothenberg ob der Tauber, Germany - California Globetrotter

If you’ve ever visited some of Germany’s most picturesque towns, like Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Monschau or Bacharach, you know just how picture perfect these cobbled-stoned towns really are! Germany comes in at #5 in the world with 40 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. When you live in a country loaded with some of the most STUPID PRETTY towns in Europe, it’s hard to want to live anywhere else!

Related: ULTIMATE LIST of Half-timbered Towns in Germany

10 Reasons Why I Moved to Germany - Bacharach, Germany - California Globetrotter (16)

And should I meet prince charming, all the better! Oh wait, I already did that!

2. I wanted to improve my German before I lost it

Clearly, it makes sense to move to a foreign country where you know some of the language and will be able to get by. I had studied German for a long time, but the five years prior to moving, I hadn’t used it. I was afraid all that hard effort was going to be lost if I didn’t use it.

Longest Word - 100 Interesting Facts About Germany - California Globetrotter

Yes, that is one grammatically correct word in German….one of the many German words you should know before moving to Germany!

I wanted to give it a real shot at learning real German, not classroom German. Even when I had “studied abroad” there wasn’t much chance for me to learn or use German because I didn’t have roommates or German friends. I had other exchange student friends who all spoke English.

I admit when I got here, I could hardly remember much of my German. But 4 years later, I am able to have flowing conversations, give or take a few grammar and pronunciation mistakes.

3. The landscape is absolutely stunning

If you have ever seen Chitty Chitty Bang Bang where the magical car is flying over lush green Alpine mountains and lakes as they land at the castle (Schloss Neuschwanstein) in the fictional town of Vulgaria, you might realize that they were actually flying over Bavaria.



Schloss Hohenschwangau, Schangau, Bavaria, Germany - California Globetrotter
Schloss Hohenschwangau across from Schloss Neuschwanstein


While a good portion of Germany looks pretty similar, there is definitely way move than just the Alps. From the Alps in the South to the Baltic Sea in the North, Germany has some of the most beautiful landscapes I’ve ever seen, even just minutes outside of big cities.

10 Reasons Why I Moved to Germany - Zugspitze - Germany's Tallest Mountain, Bavaria - California Globetrotter (10)
Zugspitze – Germany’s Tallest Peak


We constantly prefer to drive everywhere we go because then we can better enjoy the scenery. Most Germans are astounded that we are willing to drive 5 hours one way in a single day, just to turn around and come home again late that night. But when you’re driving along roads with such beautiful scenery, those 5 hours go by so fast when your nose is glued to the window of the passenger seat.

Chiemsee (Lake Chiem)

4. Germany has a very unique and interesting history & culture

While the USA was being created, Germany was building castles. Compared to Germany, the US is still very young and while I find American history interesting, I find European history even more thrilling! Kings and Queens ruling and building magnificent castles (ok, at the expensive of its people) but you have to admit, it created some of the world’s most fascinating Bucket List destinations!

10 Reasons Why I moved to Germany - Cochem & the Reichsburg Castle


Germany specifically has an interesting history which I have always found to be both very interesting and tragic at the same time. That history created the Germany we know today, always trying to be better than their past, moving the world forward and being among the global leaders today.

Growing up in America today, there seems to be a loss of cultural history, especially in California. We are a blend of multiple cultures and from that have created new cultural identities and traditions. We don’t go around wearing traditional Pilgrim outfits on Thanksgiving Day (for the record, why don’t we!? I would!). We don’t have songs that we chant to for our favorite football teams. (I might be wrong there, but I’ve never heard any). We don’t have cultural festivals like Oktoberfest that have been around for 100+ years. German culture is one of a kind and it’s incredibly interesting to learn about cultural traditions that still happen today that started hundreds of years ago.

A Bavarian Thankgiving - Erntedankfest Bad Gögging - California Globetrotter
A Bavarian “Thanksgiving” in Bad Gögging


Plus, let’s me honest ladies, men in Lederhosen are HOT! (ok, not the older men in the picture above haha)

5. For traveling purposes, Germany is right smack in the middle of Europe

Ok, so I got lucky with this aspect of moving to Germany and to be honest, I didn’t realize it until one day I realized that Germany is surrounded by 9 countries! If ever there was a country to move to because you wanted to travel, Germany would be a great home base! It takes only a few hours to get to any of these 9 countries! by train or air! A few hours driving in America and I’m still in the same state!

Life in Germany vs US - California Globetrotter

6. The beer, the bread, the salami is DELICIOUS

I’m not gonna like. German food here is awesome! You just can’t get a delicious Schnitzel anywhere in the US, no matter how hard you try. You just gotta have the original. With a good German beer. Once you have tasted the delicious taste of German beer, bread and salami, you will never be able to go back to what you drank or ate before!

10 Reasons Why I Moved to Germany - California Globetrotter

Thanks to the world’s oldest food law, the “Beer Purity Law” implemented on April 23, 1516 which is still used today, Germany has strict laws about what ingredients go into making good beer, therefore, promising a tasty, quality beer with every pop of the cap!

7. The most MAGICAL Christmas Markets

I’ve always LOVE, LOVE, LOVED Christmas time! The holly jolly, warm and fuzzy feeling of buying gifts and wrapping them in pretty paper to give to friends and loved ones. Coming from SoCal, our Christmas’ were hot and sunny, short shorts weather and I always dreamed of a white Christmas, bundled up in cute winter clothes, sipping on hot cocoa. That dream never came true.

Exploring Nuremberg's Christmas Market - California Globetrotter
Nuremberg Christmas Market


But moving to Germany is as close to reaching that goal as I’ve come. I still haven’t experienced a “White Christmas”, but getting all bundled up to go out Christmas shopping and sipping on Glühwein is a tradition I have fallen head over heels for and look forward to the most ever since my first Christmas Market in Heidelberg. It’s honestly the best time of year in Germany! Being able to experience this magical Christmas feeling every year is worth moving to Germany!

Heidelberg Christmas Market - California Globetrotter
Heidelberg Christmas Market

8. The public transportation is immaculate

I was not even considered about how I would get anywhere in Germany upon moving here after having sold my car, Betsy. Germany has a top notch transportation system both with buses and trains. Ok, there is the occasional delay but you can go anywhere in Germany, or Europe for that matter via bus or train.

Your COMPLETE Guide Using the Deutsche Bahn in Germany! - California Globetrotter

After Henry Ford introduced the Model T and the assembly line, trains practically became obsolete in the US as our towns and cities were built around having cars. And once the invention of flying came, there was practically no point for taking a journey across the country by train. Which is incredibly sad because it’s the best way to see a lot of the scenic country. I know the US still has trains for this very reason, but Americans are less likely to use it.

Plus, I can easily ride my bike anywhere I want in the city and know I won’t get ran off the road. Germany and Europe make it a point to create biker-friendly towns and roads, therefore, de-cluttering the streets with cars that pollute the environment.

How You Know It's Finally Spring in Germany - California Globetrotter

9. Germany’s 4 seasons are completely magical

As previously mentioned, I’m from California where it’s hot and sunny all the time. So hot and sunny in fact that most of California is sadly brown and dead, and it is not always lush and green. Especially lately.

So, I’m like a freak at the window of our house whenever there is a big rain, snow, thunderstorm.

Schloss Hohenschwangau, Schangau, Bavaria, Germany - California Globetrotter
Alpsee (Lake Alp) in Schwangau


That being said, Germany has some of the most beautiful, breathtaking four seasons. California has one. One can only handle so much sunshine. From the colorful fall foliage of oranges, reds, yellows and browns to the vibrant colors of Spring flowers every season is more magical than the last.

How You Know It's Finally Spring in Germany - California Globetrotter

10. Why not?

I was young, unmarried and didn’t have children. I didn’t own a house with a mortgage, have a long term steady career. I didn’t and don’t have health problems. I had a heart yearning for adventure. Germany is safe, I knew the country already and it was easy to find an English speaking teaching job. So why not? YOLO, right?

10 Reasons Why I Moved to Germany - Schloss Linderhof - California Globetrotter
Schloss Linderhof


I know I won’t be here forever, but for now Germany is my home and I love exploring this beautiful country. You learn more about your own country through the eyes of others and it has been entertaining.

While the novelty of moving to Germany has definitely worn off in the last year or so, and I might have the occasional rant about Germans and their strange behaviors and the woos of being a long term expat, these are just the things that make living in Germany so wonderful. 

If these are good enough reasons for me, they will be good enough reasons for you if you’ve been thinking about moving abroad! Living in Germany has been a wonderful and I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking about making the move!

If you’re interested in visiting Germany and are looking for more information, I highly recommend using the DK Eyewitness Travel Guide! Without these guides, I would be lost! This is my travel Bible!


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you click on one and make a purchase, I might make a little extra spending money, at no extra cost to you. As always, all opinions are my own and these products/services have been found useful during our travels and come highly recommended to you from yours truly!

Other Posts About Being an Expat in Germany:

Things I’ll Miss About Living in Germany

My Top 10 FAVORITE Towns in Germany

Torn Between Two Countries

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10 Reasons Why I Moved to Germany | Reasons to Move to Germany | Reasons to Move Abroad | Life in Germany | Expat Life in Germany | Living Abroad in Germany | Expat Life Abroad | Why You Should Relocate to Germany | Living in Germany | Best Things About Living in Germany | Expat in Germany - California Globetrotter

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Replies to 10 Reasons Why I Moved to Germany

  1. Germany looks so amazing! I’m 50% german so it’s definitely a dream destination for me. preferably during Oktoberfest so i can drink all the beer. haha

  2. Those are good enough reasons for me! We’re actually working towards moving abroad in the next few years. My husband works in a field that sends people abroad regularly. He just has to work in his current position for a couple more years before changing to an overseas position. So hopefully we’ll be able to make the move happen. #wanderfulwednesday

  3. Why not was my favorite! Glad you went for it. You look so happy in Germany. And I have to agree, living in a place with distinctive seasons is so special!

    1. I previously wrote a post about the struggle between deciding where I belong, the US or Germany, and lately, I’ve been at peace with my decision to continue to stay here. Plus, DT is a reason not to move home!

  4. Sooo…. did you end up pronouncing that word? It’s massive! Is it an actual word?
    Why wouldn’t you want to move to Germany? I mean, apart from the fact that I don’t speak the language – it seems like an awesome place to live. And your photos make it extremely appealing! #WanderfulWednesday

  5. I totally miss German food and the Christmas markets here in Norway! And your reasons for moving there all make perfectly sense – why did I leave again? 😀 Just kidding and well, I think you’re allowed as an expat to find the behaviour of the people around strange – even if you’ve lived 20 years in the country. I think some things you just never get used and that’s perfectly fine and doesn’t mean you like the country and people any less!

  6. Can’t believe people are suprised you moved to Germany – there’s lederhosen and beer!! You’re right about the architecture though, I can see why you are so enchanted by it!

  7. All great reasons! Excellent transportation is not to be underestimated but the castles and scenary must be a great attraction. My husband lived there for a year and had a great time. My German great- grandfather was an oompah band player so it must be in my blood – perhaps I’ll end up there some day! #WanderfulWednesday

  8. I really love this list of reasons! Even though I’m not in Germany specifically, I can relate to so many of these! Specifically the language one. I moved abroad to Spain (well mostly) to continue my Spanish and solidify my language skills. Of course there were other reasons too, like the thrill of living abroad, but I knew the only way to really learn was to immerse myself 😀 Glad you’re loving Germany!

  9. Lovely and very passionate article about living in Germany and it’s so awesome. Unfortunately, a lot of Germans don’t realise that. The better to hear that from a “foreigner” who lives here. By the way, I love the Christmas markets as well. It’s the best time of the year. ?

  10. Loved this! My fiancé and I have discussed Germany as a serious possibility for a future relocation, but the fact that neither of us speak German very well keeps cropping up as a dealbreaker (I’m learning *very* slowly on Duolingo, but my current level still feels almost useless). If you don’t mind me asking, do you reckon a lack of German is a dealbreaker? Or is it possible to acquire an English-speaking job and learn German on the ground instead?

    Either way, I’ll keep swooning over your incredible photos of Schloss Neuschwanstein, Rothenburg ob ter Tauber et al. 🙂

    1. There are many businesses in Germany that are currently teaching their employees more English and using more English in the workplace, so finding a job just depends of what kind of job you’re looking for. Of course, speaking both languages is important. It will be that much harder to find a job without German. But, Germany also has a unique education structure that make it hard to find just ANY job. You have to have studied in that field, done an internship and be qualified to work in that position. They don’t just hire people because they have a degree like we do in the States. For example, when I lived in Montana, I worked in a bank for 3 years. I didn’t study finance, economy or banking but I I had lots of experience handling money and working in customer service which qualified me. Here in Germany, I can’t just say “Hey I worked in a bank before, hire me” I could probably try and see if it works, but it would be hard. But moving to a country is the best way to learn the language and over time it will improve. Now if you maybe move to Berlin, there is LOTS of English up there, as well as Frankfurt and Munich.

      1. That’s so interesting to learn. I guess that probably makes it a pipe dream for us without much German, unless either of us could secure an intra-company transfer or something like that. Thanks for the insider info! 🙂

  11. Love your article. You may remember my husband and I were looking into moving to Munich recently. We came on a home-finding trip (paid for by his company luckily) but the prices of homes were so ridiculously expensive, so unfortunately we had to put that idea on hold. But love coming back regularly with work. You are in an idyllic part of the world!

  12. Hi there,
    as a German I love point 7 and 9: Christmas and the four seasons. Just like you live in Germany I lived in SoCal (so we both can tell about the two sides of the coin). Living in Orange County is great. Hella nice folks, sunshine, good food, surfing and intereting converastions about “Gott und die Welt”.
    But I missed Christmas and the four seasons! Not that they don’t have Christmas in OC but it’s not the same… You spend your day in the snow, getting cold just to get cozy at home for Christmas in Germany. I missed that in CA! I also missed the seasons! Growing up on the countryside in Germany you not only see the seasons but you FEEL em… Or even better you can SMELL them! Winter’s over? No, it doesn’t smell like spring… I like Autumn when the leaves are so colorful like on a LSD trip… LOL! I missed that in CA. I guess the perfect world would be Germany with an ocean and the Huntington Beach Pier…

  13. I love this post Lady Lolo, and it made me smile reading it. You and I have had many conversations about being expats from different sides of the pond now living in another part of the world, so I can relate to what you are saying. I love how you have embraced the good and the bad, and are sharing how nowhere is perfect but you choose somewhere that in your heart feels right. I love how you feel you can escape to somewhere beautiful when things are pretty grim, and by this I mean beautiful landscape wise an in doing so you are escaping to somewhere beautiful in your mind – this is so important. Thank you for sharing #yolo #lolo always 😀 x

    1. Thanks Lady Briggs for such a sweet comment! These are many of the reasons why it’s also been so hard to even consider leaving Germany! I think moving abroad is such an important and wonderful experience everyone should have the chance to do, if only we lived in a world that allowed that for all. It teaches us so much about life and our home countries and about other cultures! It’s so important to understand one another! xx

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