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Idstein, Germany: The CUTEST Day Trip from Frankfurt | Day Trips from Frankfurt | Half-timbered Towns in Germany | Fairy Tale Towns in Germany | Timber-frame Towns | Small Towns in Germany | Places to go in Germany | Picturesque Towns to Visit | #Idstein #Hesse #Hessen #Germany #halftimbered - California Globetrotter

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If you’re looking for day trips from Frankfurt, the financial capital of Germany, where the hustle and bustle of live can sometimes be overwhelming, you can escape to a fairy-tale town deep in the heart of the Taunus Valley lined with colorful half-timbered houses, winding cobbled-stoned streets and leaning buildings. As per usual, I was a’scrollin’ through Pinterest, when I stumbled upon this beauty and knew I had to visit!

As it has a perfectly preserved Altstadt (city center), the town is listed along the Deutsches Fachwerkstrasse (German Timber-framed Road), and with roughly 15,000 inhabitants, the town is still very peaceful and quaint, give or take a few roaming cats. Throughout the town, you’ll find little plaques on the buildings giving you some history of the town’s past, but only in German.

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The CUTEST Day Trip from Frankfurt - Idstein - California Globetrotter

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Tips for Traveling to Germany

How to AVOID Looking Like a Tourist in Europe

ULTIMATE LIST of Half-timbered Towns in Germany

It recently dawned on me HOW much I love half-timbered towns and WHY. You might have already learned from my previous post, that it was a Christmas childhood decoration that got me hooked. But even more, it’s my imagination that runs wild with stories of the history, the people and the buildings, which help to bring alive these sleepy little towns in Germany.

I also highly enjoy visiting these idyllic half-timbered towns because here you’ll find nothing but authenticity in what are often some of Germany’s best kept secrets. The real German history and culture, none of this big-city, flashy culture trying to make a buck from you. No, here, you’ll find sweet cafes selling ice cream, little old ladies taking leisurely walks and old men sitting on a bench, smoking a pipe and watching the children play hopscotch. Time mores slower here and people enjoy their lives just a little bit more, without the stress. You can never go wrong with small towns in Germany and Idstein is the epitome of the best day trip from Frankfurt! And to be honest, one can never go wrong with stupid pretty towns in Europe!


The first place you should always start is in the heart and soul of the town, the main market. Here, you’ll always find the city hall, a few cafes and restaurants and a place where the townsfolk gather. The buildings encircling the main square here date back to between the 15th and 17th centuries.

There’s so much just in this one square, it’s hardly imaginable! To take it all in, I’ll break it down for ya!

As you walk into the square, you’ll likely notice the Killingerhaus first, as it’s one of the more vibrant and dominating among the three houses lines up here, with lots of carvings and its stunning façade with bay windows protruding outwards. Here, you’ll also find the tourist center, where you can learn some extra information about the town. It is considered one of Germany’s most important half-timbered buildings for history and art. There is speculation that the original owner of the house moved the house from Strasbourg to Idstein when he moved to the town.

Just two buildings over, you’ll find the best cafe in town, and the oldest, dating back to around 1350. Cafe zum Löwen has some of the best ice cream ever! We had the Schwarzwalderkirsche (Black Forest Cherry Cake Ice Cream!) and it was pure heaven and the view from the balcony had a direct view of the entire square and the building which was the reason I wanted to visit.

Directly opposite the cafe, you’ll find several buildings to admire. Firstly, you’ll find a rather particular building called “Das Schiefe Haus” (the Crooked House) rightly named. This was the true reason why I wanted to explore Idstein, because how often do you find crooked houses anymore? This whimsical building with two relatively high gabled lucarnes, with its deep blue and façade and yellow window frames is just screaming to be seen. I mean, how often can you find leaning houses in Germany?

Radical changes were made to the building in the 18th century caused the the building to lean to the left due to the loss of the diagonal bracings. Some people can see it, some can’t. Or maybe it’s just playing tricks on all of us! Nonetheless, Idstein is one of the most instagrammable towns in Germany!

Next to the Crooked House is the massive Kanzleitor castle, easily reachable by climbing the steps in front of the Red Town Hall, which slightly looks out of place. As you walk up to the castle, you’ll pass through a gate which has had an interesting history as it has been used as a prison, torture chamber and grain storage, but is today used as the registry office. When the royal line of Nassau-Idstein died out in 1721, the palace lost its role as residence of the sovereign and seat of the government.

Once you walk through the castle gate, you’ll be in the former castle grounds which will extend out in front of you. Just a bit further up, you’ll notice a plaque on the wall, commemorating those who lost their lives when the town purged those suspected of witch craft by burning them. A total of 35 women and 8 men were accused of witchcraft and executed. Idstein was quite notorious in 1676 for their witch trials, almost 20 years before Massachusetts had their Salem witch trials!

Just above the plaque, stretching up into the sky is the Witches’ Tower, but actually has nothing to do with the 17th century witch trials in Idstein. No witches or warlocks were ever held prisoner here. It is, however, the oldest building in the town dating back to around 1170 and therefore, is the symbol of the town. If you are interested in climbing the tower, ask at the tourism office for the medieval key to the tower!

  • Special Event: Every other year, in the Spring, the town holds the Idsteiner Hexenmarkt (Witches’ Market) in the castle and palace area with medieval crafts and entertainment.

Just a bit further beyond is the Residenz (Idstein Palace) dating back to 1614 and has seen many lives. It was once an the Nassau central archive office, a convalescent home, a military hospital for reservists, military barracks, a country hostel, a teachers training college and again a military hospital. Since 1946 however, it has been the Pestalozzi Grammar School.

Head back into town for more picturesque alleys and streets. Head back in the direction of the Killingerhaus and go straight. You’ll come to a fork in the road, for which you’ll need to decide to either go down Kaffeegasse or up Obergasse. As my husband is a big coffeeaholic, we chose the former.

Then we headed up towards Obergasse via Schäfegasse, where you’ll find Höerhof – a four star restaurant and hotel. The building was given to Henrich Heer, the architect of the Idstein Palace by Count Ludwig II as a present in 1620.

While walking through the town though, keep your eyes open for “Envy Heads” or “Grudger Heads”, which are face protruding from the façades of the buildings, sometimes sticking out a tongue. These are symbols to protect against envy and jealousy and ward off any hatred and “evil eyes”. You may even find a few “Fright Heads” which are supposed to protect the inhabitants from demons and ghosts and other forms of evil.

Coming down Obergasse, you’ll enjoy a wonderful view of the half-timbered houses lined up along the lane with the Witches’ Tower off in the distance.

As you make your way back to the main market, you’ll pass Union Church, a rather plain-looking church on the outside but magnificent on the inside with Bible illustrations on the ceilings. Sadly, we discovered it’s beauty inside AFTER we got home and are wondering how we allowed ourselves to leave without going in! We always go in!

And in case you haven’t had your fill yet of Idstein’s colorful half-timbered houses, then continue on to stroll down Weiherwiese, a long, straight row of one half-timbered house after another, one more beautiful than the next. I just happened to find myself sitting on a bench, admiring the houses. Don’t mind if I do…

Once you reach the end of Weiherwiese, turn left and be magically transported to the most romantic quarter of the town by walking down Kreuzgasse. Here, you’ll find a plethora of colorful houses, with front doors decorated in cute seasonal decor adding to the tranquility of this street. This part of town was really the most picturesque and could easily rival some of Germany’s most beautiful towns for the title!

Eventually, you’ll circle back around to Weiherwiese as Kreuzgasse merges into this little pocket of the town. Sometimes, you can’t help but pass the same buildings over and over again when you’re in such small towns, but it gives you the opportunity for a second glance.

While walking around, I became a little obsessed with the front doors and couldn’t stop taking pictures. Each one was so colorful and unique, adding to the charm of the town. For door lovers, Idstein is the ultimate door haven are make for some of the most Instagrammable moments!

We were quite surprised at how quiet certain streets were and how lively the main square was. It was definitely a destination for people out for a leisurely bike and motor ride, and surprisingly, there was a lot of English being spoken. It was a wonderful town and we were so excited to see it and check off another adorable location from my half-timbered bucket list. Yes, I have one. A LONG one!

And surprisingly, we had stopped in this town once before for some gas, but at that time, I hadn’t heard of Idstein, so I was kicking myself for not having known about it sooner! But it made for some good exclamations as we drove through town to the parking garage, realizing we had driven through there before. I just love how Idstein is one of Germany’s most underrated towns to visit and you won’t be overrun by hordes of tourists!

How to get to Idstein:

Without a doubt, one of the main reasons half-timbered towns like Idstein have managed to keep their original medieval feeling intact the difficulty in reaching it. Arriving by car is by far the easiest option and there are parking garages around the town. (Parking Map)

However, should you not have the ability to arrive by car, you can take a train from Frankfurt Main (HBF) to Idstein (Taunus) with DeutscheBahn. Upon arrival, you’ll need to walk about 15-20 minutes to the town center. I’m sure there are also Taxis to take you into town. 

If you’re interested in visiting Germany and are looking for more information, I highly recommend using the DK Eyewitness Travel Guide! Without these guides, I would be lost! This is my travel Bible!


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you click on one and make a purchase, I might make a little extra spending money, at no extra cost to you. As always, all opinions are my own and these products/services have been found useful during our travels and come highly recommended to you from yours truly!

Other Half-timbered Towns in Germany:

40 of the BEST Day Trips from Frankfurt

The Most Picturesque Half-timbered Towns in Germany

3 CHARMING Half-timbered Towns You’ve Never Heard Of!

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Replies to Idstein: The CUTEST Day Trip from Frankfurt

  1. That’s just fabulous. Thank you for such a wonderfully visual experience. There is doubt that the blue house leans? Seems pretty obvious to me. The name ‘hexenmarket’ is great. Do hope it makes it into Harry Potter somehow.

  2. It’s a very cute town indeed! I’m keeping this guide for my long list of places I want to visit (and revisit) in Germany!! #mondayescapes

  3. There’s something very endearing about those quirky buildings, isn’t there. And I totally get why seeing them at Christmas would have made you fall for them.

  4. Wow those building are stunning, it reminds me of toy town, it is everything I think of with a kiddie building set, how beautiful and a great day trip from a bustling modern city. #MondayEscapes

  5. Amazing architecture overload! This place is simply stunning and looks like something out of a movie. The Witches Tower is exactly what I have in mind when I think of the children’s story Rapunzel. Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures and experience in Idestein on #MondayEscapes

  6. Oh my goodness, it’s hard to believe that such an adorable town can actually be a real place – it almost looks like a giant amusement park, like a German-themed Disneyland! I half expected townspeople to come out of their homes in costumes, singing Disney musical numbers! 😉

  7. I think I am in love! This got better and better as I scroll. I do not blame you for a having a mega list full of half timbered houses. They are gorgeous. I am all into architecture and this towns amazed me fr=or sure. Arrgggggg, I should have planned more time in Frankfurt (going soon). #MondayEscapes

  8. I also love half-timbered towns, so I’ve been really enjoying your recent posts. Idstein seems like a good place to wander for a day (or more). I’d love to see the crooked house in person!

  9. Germany has so many of these gorgeous towns with half-timbered buildings – truly gorgeous. The crooked house looks fantastic and I love the door photos too. Beautiful.

  10. Wow, I’ve spent a lot of time in this area and never heard of this town. It’s like Rothenburg odT without all the tourists! #mondayescapes

  11. What a quaint little town! i starting to think about planing our Europe holidays and I so want to just rent a car and drive around… even more when I see such places!!! thx for sharing 🙂

  12. Wow what a stunning little town, I love German architecture it is just so detailed and pretty, I could get lost somewhere like this just wandering with my camera x

  13. So many of these small German towns look like they are straight out of the fairy tales in my mind, but this one especially!! If I was a writer, I think Witches Tower would inspire all sorts of stories from me. I’d love to rent a car and road trip through so many of these well preserved towns in Germany. Yet another bucket list trip to add to the list. 🙂

  14. Because you can never have enough half-timbered towns, right? The blue house definitely looks off-kilter to me. Like it leans one way from the bottom, then halfway through, switches leaning directions! #WanderfulWednesday

  15. Oh my goodness, Lori, I think this might be the best German town you’ve ever featured – and there’s obviously quite some competition! It’s ridiculously pretty, isn’t it, and it doesn’t look too touristy either. That witches’ tower is fabulous and those funny faces are just out of Grimms’ Fairy Tales. I love this post. Thanks for sharing on #FarawayFiles.

  16. I agree with you about half-timbered buildings. There is something about quaint little German towns that just make me so happy. Thanks for sharing this one. #FarawayFiles

  17. I still can’t believe how many of these towns there actually are! You seem to find them all! They are just so cute and look like Disney movie sets. I can’t believe people actually live in these places! 😀

  18. Those timbered houses are afirable! I love the laid back atmosphere of the little towns in Germany. Too bad the weather is not always this beautiful there. #TheWeeklyPostcard

  19. Another unbelievably picturesque German town!! In places like this, I always have a huge FOMO if I don’t go down every street and inside every public building – which I’m sure you can relate to after missing out on the church in this one.

  20. So so cute and lovely pictures! Like something out of a fairytale! I would love to spend a day exploring and I definitely want to try that black forest cherry cake ice cream! #TheWeeklyPostcard

  21. It’s hard to believe a place this picturebook actually exists! The crooked house is spectacular and worth a visit by itself. Throw in the castle, witches tower, market and the ice cream – I’d be there every weekend! #TheWeeklyPostcard

  22. Omg, how cute is this!? It looks like a fairy tale! I’d never heard of “half-timbered” anything until your blog and now I’m totally obsessed <3

  23. Such a cute place!! Reminds me a bit of the region where I lived during undergrad studies in the Rothaar Mountains! That kind of architecture is so typical for Hesse and the Rhineland!

  24. Beautiful photos! I have never explored a half-timbered town before. Now I know which one to visit the next time I’m in the Frankfurt area. That ice cream sounds delicious too!

  25. This town is too cute to be real! You know how to find them and so happy you share all that cuteness with the rest of us! Cheers from Copenhagen, Erin #FarawayFiles

  26. This town is so charming and I love all those half-timbered houses and cobblestone streets. It really looks like it belongs in a fairtytale village. We’ll be in the area next month and now I’m hoping to have enough time to stop here. All that history is fascinating and of course, we want to see the leaning house.

  27. What a gem! Even without all of the cute buildings, Idstein seems like the sort of town we enjoy exploring: windy streets, lots of history, great cafe and city squares. And it seems very accessible, which is a bonus! Thanks for putting this awesome town on our radar! #TheWeeklyPostcard

  28. Pinterest really is great for finding places isn’t it! Idstein is pretty damn special, so many half-timbered houses and that castle is incredibly charming. Fantastic find and perhaps one of your best yet, although that house still looks perfectly straight to me… 😉

  29. Hi Lorelei 😉

    just found your lovely Idstein-Posting on facebook.

    YES… Idstein is a cute town and I live here now for almost 10 years. So I discovered the old town uncountable times with my camera and spotted all the cites you found also.

    But I’ve done even more… I made a view into the past and created “Fenster in die Vergangenheit” (windows to the past) of Idstein with combined old postcard and fotos (some of them older than 100 years) and the “reality” of today.

    Want to “risk” a view? Check out

    Greetings from Idstein

  30. That’s my town! You’ve missed a few nice spots, but got the essence of it, drop me a line next time, I’ll love to show you around!

  31. Thanks for this wonderful article about my little home town- you perfectly captured what we all here love the most!
    Best regards from Altstadt Idstein!

  32. I grrew up in Idstein. I saw those buildings everyday and therefore it never was something speciel to me. Beautiful, but never “special”. Thank you, for letting me see it through your eyes.
    You missed out 2 interesiting things in the Obergasse:
    First: As the Legend goes, the Archict of the Hoeherhof built the Town Hall at the same time. He was able to built Hoeherhof at very low costs because of the building materials that somehow “vanished” from the Town Hall.
    Second: Opposite to Hoeherhof and a few houses down the street youl find the Inscription:
    “Sita usvielate inis taberce ines” Thats an old joke of a kind that was quite commen in germany in certain times. If you move the blank spaces to
    “Sit aus vie leiten ist aber ceines” it reads as “Sieht aus wie Latein ist aber keines”
    translated to english:
    “Looks like Latin, but is not”

  33. Half-timbered houses are awesome. I particularly enjoy the ones where the lines are just not quite straight. This really stands out because of the lines provided by the timbering. There is usually some history behind the tilt that I find amusing.

  34. You discribe my hometown so lovely. And you made so nice pictures. Thank you for visiting Idstein and made such a nice report from my Village.

  35. The crooked house is amazing, and this town looks straight out of a fairytale! We will definitely be adding this adventure to our list. I want to try the ice cream 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

  36. omg! I LOVE THIS! Fachwerkhauser galore, witches, the tower, a palace!? I’m sold! totally added to my list for the coming year of traveling around Germany (when we can all hopefully travel again!). Thanks for sharing 🙂

  37. Very honest article. On my last trip to Germany I didn’t get to experience all this. But there is always next time. Thanks for inspiration. I hope I get the same sunny days as you have in your incredible photos when I go there.

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