First off, if you’re here looking at how-to-engagement pictures, you must be engaged so let me say CONGRATULATIONS! If you’re not engaged (yet) but you’re brainstorming ideas for an upcoming engagement, then you’ve come to the right place! Especially if you’re a die hard travelholic and want to include travel into your engagement announcements and want to WOW your friends and family!

When you dream of visiting Germany, perhaps you you imagine romantic fairy tale castles perched high up in the mountains or perhaps you imagine towns with endless half-timbered houses that are hundreds of years old, walking down alley after alley of picturesque cobbled-stoned roads and a charm that transports you to another time.

Along the picturesque, winding river of the Rhine, just an hour from Frankfurt, you’ll find the enjoyable historic town of Rüdesheim am Rhine surrounded by fields of vineyards, producing the region’s most famous wine, Riesling. This region of Germany has produced wine here since the time of the Romans and Rüdesheim am Rhein is the gateway to the Upper Middle Rhein Valley UNESCO World Heritage Site. Come along with us as we explore the area via chair lifts with picturesque panoramic views and wine!

There is a legend in Germany, that takes place along the Rhine River of a beautiful siren who sang lovely melodies while combing her golden blonde hair, but because it is at the deepest and narrowest point of the entire Rhine River, it is extremely dangerous for ships to pass. The Loreley bewitches the hearts of all sailors with her enchanting voice and beauty. Looking to catch a glimpse of the woman whose voice has charmed them, they would forget about the dangerous rapids and soon their boats were crashed and sunk beneath the waves forever.

Pictures are worth a million words. Sometimes you just need to see it instead of reading about it. I could sit here and describe how wonderful each and every place in Bavaria is, but why waste the time when pictures can tell you more than I ever could!? So if you’re wondering why you should visit Bavaria, let me entice you with this Bavarian travel inspiration so you can book your next ticket! 

Another harvest season has come and gone. The hops fields have been cleared, the rows of corn have been harvested, and the fields have begun to be plowed, prepping them for the approach of winter.

When you think about Thanksgiving, you traditionally think of it only as an American holiday celebrated to give thanks for another good harvest year. We carry on this tradition to remember the Pilgrims who gave thanks to the Native Americans for their help through a bitter, harsh winter.

It’s impossible to blend in completely when in a foreign country, but there’s no need to stick out like a sore thumb and risk being taken advantage of. Some things are impossible to chance, like speaking your native language unless you so happen to speak a foreign language, then consider yourself lucky. But, it’s important to try to blend in so that it also shows that you respect your host country.

Traveling the world alone is easy and you only have yourself to concern yourself with. But, how do you continue to travel when one becomes two?

Traveling on a budget can make things more difficult, but not impossible! Here are some of of my budget-friendly travel tips for couples we use in order to afford travel as often as possible without breaking the wallet! Sometimes it means foregoing luxury items or meals, or it means traveling lighter or even sharing which will help your travel funds go a lot farther!

If you’re a true Audrey Hepburn fan, you’ll know that many of her films were filmed in Europe, predominantly Paris and Rome and you’ll likely want to walk in her footsteps by visiting this famous film sites. You can easily visit all of these Audrey Hepburn film sites by incorporating them into your sightseeing itineraries.

When you still live at home, surrounded by other fellow Americans and you see someone put Ranch on their pizza, apologize too many times or go for a long road trip, you think nothing of it. These are just some of the natural things we do in America. It’s part of our culture. But when […]

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