If you’re looking for a romantic castle in Germany, you don’t have to look very far. The country is covered in a plethora of charming castles, filled with romantic stories and myths. Some might not look as romantic as others, as they were built inside for defensive purposes, but what’s to stop a girl from daydreaming? Even though Burg Hohenzollern isn’t as luxurious as a palace, it’s still one of the prettiest castles in Germany!

This past weekend has been a scorcher! Temperatures have climbed up to 99F/36.5C. People are swarming the local pools, eating ice cream as fast as they can and hiding in the shade. Unlike us, we decided to spend the afternoon driving in our new air conditioned car.

We made a day trip road trip, first checking out the Wiblingen Monastery Library just outside of Ulm before stopping for lunch and a quick walk around through the town of Ulm. Afterwards, we drove further west to wander around the Burg Hohenzollern.

Just an easy day trip from Regensburg by car or by train, there is a small quaint village set among rows and rows of hops fields that sits along the Abens River. This region is the largest region for growing hops so it is no surprise, that set in the center of town is the Kuchlbauer Brewery which specializes in producing Hefeweizen beers. Founded way back in the 14th century, this brewery is among the world’s oldest breweries.

But this isn’t just any normal brewery!…

The Czech Republic isn’t ONLY just about Prague and there is so many more fascinating things to do in the Czech Republic! Just beyond Passau, over the Czech Republic border and about 45 minutes to an hour, through back roads, small villages and country side, you can find one of the most perfectly preserved Medieval towns still left in Europe and is without a doubt, STUPID PRETTY!

Bath is a magnificent example of fine Georgian architecture with its endless expanse of stone, lining every street and alley throughout the entire town. It is a compact city among the rolling green hills of the Avon is in the distance. The Romans had created England’s first ever spa resort here and ever since the 18th century people have been coming here to admire the ancient Roman Baths.

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They say that When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. If such a thing could ever be possible, then Brighton is the perfect location to get away and recharge! Just an hour or two (depending on traffic) south of London, is England’s most popular seaside town which became popular after the railroad finally reached this seaside resort in 1841! Ever since, the population has grown, as well as the tourists who seek to see more of England other than just London.

1. Luck in Love   For those of you who are hard core board/card gamers, maybe it’s best if you loose every not and there. As the Germans say, “Glück im Spiel, pech in der Liebe” which translates to “Luck in the game, unlucky in love.” I’d rather get lucky oh sorry, I meant be lucky […]

Located on a bend along the Danube River (Donau) is a solitary monastery founded in 620 which makes it the oldest monastery in Bavaria. It is also considered to be the world’s oldest monastery brewery, however it does rival Weihenstephan Abbey for the title. What makes this monastery special, is that one of the best ways to reach it is with a river boat ride down the Danube. 

One of the many things that people automatically associate with Germany is the traditional Bavarian costume. However, this is a big misconception about the German people. What most people don’t realize is that the Lederhosen and Dirndl are a Bavarian tradition and therefore not worn throughout all of Germany. Nor are they worn all the time. For the most part, Bavarians wear their Lederhosen and Dirndl on special occasions, however it is quite possible to see some hard core Bavarians wearing them for no special reason other than the fact that they are proud of their heritage. But don’t be surprised when you are walking around Bavaria and not everyone is wearing them.

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