Let’s just face it: Germany is an AMAZING country! I dare not say the best because each and every country we have ever visited is amazing in it’s own right, different and more unique than the last, but I can honestly say, after having lived in Germany twice now, it makes it hard to leave and even harder to stay away. Germany is loaded with amazing history, fantastic architecture, delicious food and so much more! Something must be said about the strict, rule book way of life Germans live by and without it, nichts wäre in Ordnung!

STARKbierzeit (or Strong Beer Time) is this special period in Bavaria between Ash Wednesday and Holy Thursday. This is a time when Monks in Bavaria were supposed to fast and is considered to be Bavaria’s 5th season. However, monks were tricky little men who found a loophole around this special time period of no eating by […]

After six years of living in Germany as an expat, I can now provide you with budget-friendly tips for visiting Germany, from booking your flight to getting around the country with public transportation to things to eat in Germany! Hopefully this Germany travel guide will allow you to navigate Germany with ease, reaching some of Germany’s top places to visit and leave you wanting to come back for more!

For the day, we drove down to Innsbruck, Austria. The river Inn flows through the city center therefore “Innsbruck” literally translates to “The bridge over the Inn”. Innsbruck is the capital of the Tyrol and is Austria’s most important tourist region. What makes Innsbruck special is that it is nestled into the Tyrolean Alps and during […]

This Valentine’s Day, Hans and I spontaneously  decided at the last minute to take a day trip instead of stressing over the pressure of buying the right gift or surprise. We decided to get up super-doooper early (ugh!) and take the train to Zugspitze – Germany’s tallest mountain which is a whopping 9,718 feet tall and offers breathtaking views over Bavaria, into Austria and even all the way to Italy!

Carnival or Fasching (or what we call Mardi Gras in New Orleans) begins on November 11th at 11:11am and finishes at midnight on Shrove Tuesday (or Faschingsdienstag) before Ash Wednesday which is celebrated with parties and parades. This is known as the “fifth season in Germany” (only for Bavaria Starkbierzeit coincides with this). Fasching in Germany is what Halloween is for Americans.

There is just so much to learn about Germany, it’s impossible to learn it all! So instead, here are some historical interesting facts about Germany you might not have known! Whether you’re looking for historical facts about Germany or simply fun facts about Germany, I’ve collected and put together a list of random facts about […]

Once you’ve been bit by the travel bug, there’s no cure. You live, breathe and dream travel. Travel is the soul purpose of your existence. The exhilarating thrill of embarking on a new adventure is like a shot of adrenaline and you keep going back for more. You love the adventure, meeting new people and wandering into the unknown. You love discovering new places and learning about the history and culture of a place, soaking it all in and then sharing it with the world. Below is a list of symptoms that may help you to recognize whether or not you are OBSESSED with travel.

At the moment, I am suffering from an illness only found in Germany. Don’t worry, it’s not contagious and it’s not serious which nonetheless inspired this post. Since living in Germany, I’ve heard several interesting sicknesses that my coworkers or German family has suffered from that I had NEVER heard of before that can only […]

There are few towns or cities in Germany which managed to survive the Second World War practically unscathed and Regensburg is one of the lucky ones. The town is already incredibly picturesque with small winding alleys zigzagging every which way and a glorious cathedral dominating over the city making you feel like you’re stepping back 2,000 years in time.

Yet, when Christmas comes around, the town becomes even more remarkably beautiful with Christmas stalls snuggled up against the Neupfarrkirche with their red and white stripped roofs and twinkling lights shining brightly. Best of all? Regensburg’s Christmas Market won the “Best Christmas City” for Christmas lights in 2017!

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