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The BEST Aurey Hepburn Locations to Visit | Audrey Hepburn Filming Locations in Europe | Audrey Hepburn Birth Place | Audrey Hepburn hometown | Breakfast at Tiffany's Filming Locations | Roman Holiday Filming Locations in Rome, Italy | Audrey Hepburn Filming Locations in Paris, France - California Globetrotter

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If you’re a true Audrey Hepburn fan, you’ll know that many of her films were filmed in Europe, predominantly Paris and Rome and you’ll likely want to walk in her footsteps by visiting this famous film sites. You can easily visit all of these Audrey Hepburn film sites by incorporating them into your sightseeing itineraries.

As a little girl, I was bored out of my mind one day and started perusing my parents’ ridiculously large movie collection, I stumbled upon a pretty collection of 3 of Audrey Hepburn’s most famous films. I pulled them out and put the first one in the VHS player.

Ugg. It was in black and white. No matter, I was still bored so I watched the movie Roman Holiday. By the end of the movie, I was IN LOVE with Classic films and the era of Hollywood glam long since gone. And so began my obsession with Audrey Hepburn, who unbeknownst to me then, would become my life role idol!

I wanted to be like her, act like her and dress like her. Unfortunately, the fashion from this era is long outdated and I was a kid. Over the years, I have searched out locations where she once was. While I certainly haven’t made it to all of the locations (7 of 15!) – Although I was younger and didn’t know it at the time!), I’m here to share with you some of the top 20 Audrey Hepburn (film) locations that you can visit if you’re an über Audrey Hepburn fan!

Sadly, I’ve visited most of these places prior to my blogging days, but hopefully one day will replace the photos with my own!

“Life is a party. Dress for it.”

Roman Holiday Film Locations, Rome, Italy

  • Basilica di Santa Maria in Cosmedin (The Mouth of Truth)

The Mouth of Truth (Bocca della Verita), which is considered to be the funniest scene in the entire movie, is where Joe Bradley (Gregory Peck) puts his hand into the sculpture’s mouth at Basilica di Santa Maria in Cosmedin. According to legend, it would nip off the hand of a liar who’d put it in its mouth. In the film, Audrey Hepburn’s reaction to Gregory Peck’s hand being cut off was not an act, as he decided to pull a gag without telling her beforehand, so therefore was completely unscripted!

Address: Piazza della Bocca della Verità, 18, Roma, Italy

The BEST Aurey Hepburn Locations to Visit | Audrey Hepburn Filming Locations in Europe | Audrey Hepburn Birth Place | Audrey Hepburn hometown | Breakfast at Tiffany's Filming Locations | Roman Holiday Filming Locations in Rome, Italy | Audrey Hepburn Filming Locations in Paris, France - California Globetrotter


“People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.”

  •  Scalinata di Trinita dei Monti  (Spanish Steps)

After Princess Ann has asked to borrow money from Joe Bradley, she spends her day doing things ordinary people do. She gets a hair cat, enjoys a gelato and receives a flower. After her hair cut, she takes a few moments to enjoy sitting on the Spanish Steps before Joe Bradley “bumps” into her again. After confessing to Joe that she “ran away from school”, he offers to show her Rome and thus begin the holiday. While today you can certainly visit the Spanish Steps, you are no longer allowed to sit or linger on the steps to enjoy a gelato, otherwise you may be fined, especially if trying to get that classic Audrey Hepburn sitting on the Spanish Steps photo.

Address: Piazza di Spagna, 00187 Roma, Italy


Source: William Wyler, Paramount Picture

  • Castel Sant’Angelo

After spending the entire day sightseeing with Joe Bradley, they end the night with some music and dancing at the Tiber River by Mario Delani, a barge that the hairstylist told her about. Although the barge is no longer there today, you can still visit the location where the night ends with the princess being chased by secret police and the princess smashing a guitar on the head titling him “crowned head” before escaping by jumping into the river.

Address: Lungotevere Castello, 50, 00193 Roma, Italy
Source: William Wyler, Paramount Picture
“I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it.”
  • Palazzo Colonna

During the last scene of Roman Holiday, Princess Ann (Audrey) meets the Press, including Joe Bradley in the Sala Grande. Here she must decide between love and responsibility. 

Address: Piazza dei Santi Apostoli, 66, 00187 Roma, Italy



Charades Filming Locations, Paris, France

  • Jardin des Champs-Elysees

Throughout the film, Reggie (Audrey Hepburn) is a newly-widowed woman being sought after by a bunch of men she doesn’t know in search of her deceased husband’s secret. Along the way, she meets Peter (Cary Grant) and falls for him, but is he a friend or a foe?

During the film, Reggie and Peter meet up at the marionette theater at the Jardin des Champs-Elysées, which you can still visit today and has played since 1818.

Address: Av. des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris, France


Source: Stanley Donen, Universal Studios

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible!’ “

Funny Face, Paris When It Sizzles, How to Steal a Million, Love in the Afternoon

Paris was Audrey Hepburn’s favorite place to film movies so many of her films take place here!

  • The Winged Victory of Samothrace, also called Nike of Samothrace at the top of the Daru staircase at the Louvre, Paris

During Funny Face, Jo Stockton (Audrey) is slowly becomes accustomed to the role of a model after being a simple bookstore sales assistant, she surprises Dick Avery (Fred Astaire) by hiding behind the Winged Victory of Samothrace before quickly coming down the stairs causing Dick to snap some of the most stunning pictures as she walks towards him, down the steps, holding her shawl high above her.

Address: 75001 Paris, France

Source: Stanley Donen, Paramount Pictures

“For me the only things of interests are those linked to the heart.”

  • Eiffel Tower

In the movie Funny Face, the Eiffel Tower serves as the climax of the song, Bonjour Paris where Audrey, Fred & Kay Thompson all meet up. In Paris When it Sizzles, Gabriel (Audrey) and Richard (William Holden) attempt to write a screen play called The Girl Who Stole the Eiffel Tower and they attend a fancy dress party held on the tower.

Address: Champ de Mars, 5 Avenue Anatole France, 75007 Paris, France

Source: Stanely Donen, Paramount Pictures

  • Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel

Remember that glorious moment when Dick Avery (Fred Astaire) is photographing Jo Stockton (Audrey) in front of the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel in Funny Face and she’s wearing a simple black dress about to release a plethora of balloons? Ya, that’s my favorite moment too! 

Address: 75001 Paris, France

Source: Stanely Donen, Paramount Pictures


“We all want to be loved, don’t we? Everyone looks for a way of finding love. It’s a constant search for affection in every walk of life.”


  • Opera National de Paris

Another location used as a background for a Quality Magazine in the movie Funny Face is a photo shoot in which Jo has been stood up at the Paris Opera is asked to show the emotion of someone with “fire in your eyes and murder on your mind“. It turns into one of the most spectacular shots of Audrey as she struts down the steps of the National Opera.

Address: 86 Rue de Provence, 75009 Paris, France

Source: Stanely Donen, Paramount Pictures

  • Chateau de la Reine blanche

Towards the end of Funny Face, another photo shoot takes place for Quality Magazine at Le Château de la Reine Blanche in Coye-la-Forêt, about 50km away from Paris where Jo Stockton (Audrey) models a wedding dress and Dick Avery (Fred) and Jo sing the film’s finale “He Loves and She Loves“.

Address: 60580 Coye-la-Forêt, France

Source: Stanely Donen, Paramount Pictures


“If I get married, I want to be very married.”

  • Hotel Ritz Paris

The Hôtel Ritz Paris plays a role in two of Audrey’s films: Love in the Afternoon and How to Steal a Million. In one of my favorite films, How to Steal a Million, Nicole Bonnet (Audrey) meets Simon Dermot (Peter O’Toole) in the hotel the day after he broke into her home and she shot him in the arm to arrange a heist to steal a forged Cellini Venus made by her father.

Address: 15 Place Vendôme, 75001 Paris, FranceHTRA130 VV249

Source: William Wyler, 20th Century Fox

“When you have nobody you can make a cup of tea for, when nobody needs you, that’s when I think life is over.”

Breakfast at Tiffany’s Filming Locations, Manhattan, New York

  • Tiffany’s & Co.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s is considered Audrey Hepburn’s most significant role as Holly Golightly. Although not visibly seen in the film (the title of the move implies everything!), the Tiffany’s flagship store in Manhattan located at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street in Manhattan, New York City plays an important role in the film.

Address: 727 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States

Source: Blake Edwards, Paramount Pictures


“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.”

Audrey Hepburn Non-Filming Locations

  • Audrey Hepburn’s Birthplace (Brussels, Belgium)

If you’re an Audrey fan (which you must be, that’s why you’re here, right?), you SHOULD know that she was born was born Audrey Kathleen van Heemstra Ruston on 4 May 1929 in a district of Brussels in Belgium.  In 2014, on a trip to Belgium, I sought out her birthplace while in Brussels (how could I not!?). A car drive away and around the bend, we finally found it. We pared around the corner, walked to the location, snapped a few pictures and went on about our day!

Address: 48 Rue Keyenveld, Ixelles, Belgium

  • Audrey Hepburn’s Home (Tolochenaz, Switzerland)

While all my life it has been a thought, I have recently discovered that you CAN actually visit the town where Audrey Hepburn lived. However, it is NOT a tourist destination. Many know her as the beautiful Hollywood actress, but when it comes down to it, she was just an ordinary girl looking to live an ordinary life. From all my research, it’s a quite town in Tolochenaz, Switzerland near Lausanne. It’s a sleepy little town that she called  “La Paisible” (“peaceful” in French) where she lived in a charming 18th century farm house for 30 years before being buried in a cemetery across from the local church.  audrey-hepburn-cemetary

Source: TripAdvisor

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself, and one for helping others.”

  • Audrey Hepburn’s Star (Hollywood Walk of Fame, California, USA)

After growing up as the scrawny teenage girl who suffered from malnutrition after the ravages of WWII, Audrey emerged as one of Hollywood’s top leading ladies and an iconic figure in in classic Hollywood films and haute couture for designers such as Hubert de Givenchy. Besides her film career, she dedicated herself to UNICEF helping some of the poorest communities in Africa. On February 8, 1960 she was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for Motion Pictures.

Address: 1652 Vine Street, Hollywood, California



“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge you are never alone.”

Other related posts:

86 Movies to Inspire You To Travel to Europe

Liked this post? PIN IT FOR LATER!!The BEST Aurey Hepburn Locations to Visit | Audrey Hepburn Filming Locations in Europe | Audrey Hepburn Birth Place | Audrey Hepburn hometown | Breakfast at Tiffany's Filming Locations | Roman Holiday Filming Locations in Rome, Italy | Audrey Hepburn Filming Locations in Paris, France - California Globetrotter

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Replies to Top 15 MUST-VISIT Audrey Hepburn Locations

  1. I was at a place in China where they’d built a reconstruction of the Spanish Steps–and I recognized them instantly from the movie! These are supposed to be the stairs in Roman Holiday!! I made my husband take a picture of me with them. These are pretty cool locations!

  2. This is such a fun travel idea! It must be so exciting to seek out these places and take the same steps as one of your favorite actresses! I haven’t seen many classic Hollywood films (I’m a 90’s-er), but Breakfast at Tiffany’s was always one of my favorites! I’ve been trying to think of some old movies to watch/rewatch lately and I think you may have just inspired me to look into some Audrey.

  3. Thanks for sharing this, Lolo. I loved Audrey Hepburn and watched a ton of her movies. Belgium is the one country I haven’t visited from your list, so it’s on my list now.

  4. First, what an interesting theme for a post! I really enjoyed reading it although I haven’t watched many of her movies – just Breakfast at Tiffany’s, My Fair Lady and How to Steal a Million. That iconic Tiffany’s in NYC is still very much a tourist attraction, I reckon! I remember the thrill of excitement I felt when I saw it for the first time. Think I need to go watch a couple more Hepburn movies, haha

    1. Thank you! I don’t know how the post idea came to other than the fact I had one of her movies on!
      I have a terribly embarrassing tween picture of me standing in front of Tiffany’s in NY but chose not to put it in! I’d love to go back as an adult!

  5. Oh this is just a fabulous post! I love your passion and the detail you have provided, I just kept wanting to read and find out more about your idol. Thank you for all this fantastic information! #TheWeeklyPostcard

  6. I like Audrey Hepburn – she always looked so classy although I think I like her style better than her acting:) My husband has a few film shots of her on his wall. I have actually been to about half of these places – so many great sites. Hope you get to the remaining 8 sites some day!

  7. Fantastic! I love Audrey Hepburn and now that I live in Paris I have no excuse but to pay homage…think I might have to start with a glass of champagne at the Ritz, sounds only right! #citytripping

  8. Great post! Well done for compiling this list. I haven’t seen loads of her films but I absolutely love Breakfast at Tiffanys and think she’s brilliant in it. You have made me realise I need to watch more of her movies! #citytripping

  9. I love Audrey Hepburn and this has made me want to put Roman Holiday straight on – and quite a few others. I love the idea of visiting the places associated with her life and films. At least I could tickets off Covent Garden for My Fair Lady perhaps? Thanks for linking up with #citytripping

  10. Fantastic experience after reading your amazing blog post. I have learned so many new things about Audrey Hepburn. Really amazing blog. Keep it up dear!

  11. There is also the location they used for filming the outside of Holly’s appt in Breakfast at Tiffany’s…..169 east 71st Street, NYC, NY

  12. Oh my darling Lorelei! Fabulous Post! Just happened upon your page from researching “Audrey’s favorite places in Paris”, as I am traveling there with my husband for the first time in less than a month! Love reading things from an old soul and Audrey is icing on the cake- I have loved her since I can remember. Love your restless feet syndrome….I too share this with you. 😉

  13. Very interesting blog about Audrey Hepburn. You have the potential to go to many places that I can only dream of. I don’t know how far you are still working on this because I see a lot of posts in 2016 and then it stops. Been 2x to Tolochenaz and Arnhem, Doorn, The Hague, Bruges, Ixelles Brussels, to visit the places related to her. Greetings from Belgium.

    1. Well, I would like to visit more places of connection to Audrey Hepburn but I don’t make it my main point for traveling, but if I happen to be somewhere on connection, or nearby I definitely try to go! But that you for your recommendations!

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