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Welcome to my Travel Blogger Interview Series where once a month, I will put the spotlight back on my favorite travel bloggers! 

Once a month, I want to start putting the spotlight on some of my favorite travel bloggers who inspire me to continue to travel the world and to be a better travel blogger! Each month, I will choose one blogger and interview them with a set of questions and introduce you to them!

Please help support them by sharing their favorite post and following them on SM! 

Introducing Angie & Sy from Feet Do Travel

Having linked up my posts for quite a while now with the Feet Do Travel group, it was only natural that after some time, Angie and I formed an online friendship! After all, what could possibly bring two people to form a friendship than chatting about travel and afternoon tea? 

But what really attracted me to to her blog, was her amazing island lifestyle of beach life, scuba diving and exotic destinations like the Gili Islands in Indonesia. I often dream of throwing in the towel, buying a one way ticket to an island and setting my clock to island time. Angie and Sy are an inspiration to me and who knows, perhaps one day my husband and I will follow in their footsteps!

  1. Introduce yourself: Who are you? Where is home? Where are you now?

Hey Lorelei, I am Angie, one foot from Feet Do Travel, my husband Sy is the other foot. I was born in Bristol and Sy was born in Stroud, England where we met. In December 2016, we sold everything we owned to travel the world and are currently living on Gili Air, Indonesia.Travel Blogger Interview - 20 Questions to Introduce You to Angie & Sy from FeetDoTravel - Digital Nomad Travel Blogger - California Globetrotter


  1. What’s the meaning behind the name of your blog? What makes yourblog unique and why should people read it?

I guess we just came up with the name because it made sense to us … our feet do travel. Hmmm that’s sounds a bit literal but you know what I mean (hopefully!) With regard to our blog, I always write from the heart. I try to take people on the same journey I had when visiting somewhere, that’s why I think people should read it. I want others to have a taster of a country before they visit.


  1. Do you travel for work or for pleasure?

Pleasure … but my dream is to travel for work as a travel blogger! I’m trying very hard to make this dream a reality.


  1. What was you most recent trip?

Early March, we went to another Secret Gili Island for our 12th wedding anniversary then onto Kuta in Lombok for a few days. It was wonderful to see more of Indonesia and we had a great time “in civilisation” with shops etc, but it’s always nice to return home to Gili Air.

 Travel Blogger Interview - 20 Questions to Introduce You to Angie & Sy from FeetDoTravel - Digital Nomad Travel Blogger - California Globetrotter

  1. Which country do you keep returning to the most?

We kept returning to Indonesia so just stayed here haha. We have also been to Amsterdam 9 times for birthdays, anniversaries, new year, we even had our combined hen and stag party there. Amsterdam was just a quick flight from the UK and it’s such a cool place to be with so much to do.


  1. What is the most stunning place that you have ever visited?

Raja Ampat, Indonesia springs to mind immediately. Breath taking views of little islets surrounded by tri-coloured waters. Iceland, however is also a land of contrasts and beautiful in a white way, oh and Lappland where we married for the same reason lol.Travel Blogger Interview - 20 Questions to Introduce You to Angie & Sy from FeetDoTravel - Digital Nomad Travel Blogger - California Globetrotter


  1. Where is the worst place you have ever been and why?

I’m tied with Bali and Bangkok, both for the same reason! Too much traffic, too many people trying to rip you off etc. We were both different people when we were there, more uptight and snappy at one another so we moved on quickly to a quieter destination. Sy would say Tunisia. When he was there aged 15 with his parents he just didn’t feel safe. They were told not to leave the hotel complex and were ripped off a few times, in general, the whole holiday just wasn’t enjoyable for them.


  1. Do you feel that blogging takes time away from your social or family life?

Haha Sy would say so at times! When he is trying to talk to me and I’m on social media. With the internet so bad on Gili Air, whenever I get good wi-fi, I do have to apologise to whoever I’m with and quickly take advantage so yes in a way. I do try to get the balance right (“try” being the word).


  1. What are some of the pros and cons of island life?

Pros: GIli Air has a real sense of community and I love that. It’s a small island, everyone is friendly and happy. I live in paradise so get to swing in my hammock and listen to the cows, chickens and cats and if I want to go to the beach, it’s just 5 minutes away.

Cons: wi-fi is a b***h, especially when electricity on the island shorts out which is often, sometimes for an hour, sometimes all day. Shower water is brackish and not fresh and food is limited. Reading that back, oh woah is me lol. #firstworldproblems eh


  1. Are there any countries that you would not consider visiting and why?

A war-torn county is probably off the list, other than that, everywhere is worth a visit.


  1. Do you have any funny travel stories?

Haha yes I would say I do but I am rubbish at telling stories (ironic isn’t it, I’m a storytelling travel blogger). I’m just as bad at telling jokes. Sy tells the stories in person for us, he is much better at it.


  1. What is the most adventurous/spontaneous thing you have ever done?

For me it was a sky dive in Namibia, Africa. I didn’t tell anyone as I’m petrified of heights and didn’t want to talk about it. I just turned up on the morning and did it. Sy would say the most adventurous thing he has done was learning to be a scuba diving instructor! Taking people into the ocean and teaching them how to breath underwater with a tank on your back could be considered a dangerous sport!


  1. What is your favorite mean of transportation (plane, train, car, ship)?

Riding a scooter! It’s fun and we love the freedom that comes with it. All the other means of transport are just a way to get you from A to B, however for the scenery, I would say boats. Generally, when we’re on a boat, we’re heading somewhere pretty special passing magnificent landscapes (even though I don’t like boats!)


  1. What sort of traveler are you? Full time / part time / business / backpacker etc?

Slow travelling, full time backpackers who stop along the way to live and work.


  1. Do you have a Bucket List? If so where are the 3 top places on it?

Hell yeah! I ticked off my top place when I visited China so now it’s pretty tough and keeps changing. Japan for sure, maybe Canada as I want to see the Polar Bears in Churchill. Sy says Brazil, he wants to watch a random football match.


  1. Do you have any travel related hobbies besides the blog?

Yes! Talking about travel haha I do it allllll the time!


  1. Do you have a travel post you are most proud of? Why?

Goodness, good question. I am always so proud of the post “I have just written”, then I write another that I’m proud of.  The interviews I did for Chernobyl, Auschwitz and with Buddhist Monks were different to my usual style so that was an interesting challenge. But I’m going to say Gili Asahan The Secret Gili Islands. Someone read my Gili Air post when they were coming here and we briefly met up. I recommended Gili Asahan, he and his partner read that post then stayed at the recommended hotel. When they returned to Gili Air, they said they had an amazing time and were grateful for my post. Now that was a feel-good factor.


  1. What is one travel hack tip you could give readers?

I wish I was good at travel hacking but alas, I have no tips. But if anyone has any they would like to share, I’m all ears!


  1. Do you have one ultimate favorite picture from your travels? Why?

I’m torn between two. The photo of me (and Sy and me) with a panda has been my Facebook profile photo for years! It was a bucket list tick-off and for a special occasion. There is also Pianemo viewpoint at Raja Ampat. It had the most breath taking landscape and when we returned from holiday, we changed all our social media background photos to this view. Sy would say his favourite travel photo is a Manta silhouette; our manta encounters have been one of our most amazing diving experiences.Travel Blogger Interview - 20 Questions to Introduce You to Angie & Sy from FeetDoTravel - Digital Nomad Travel Blogger - California Globetrotter

Travel Blogger Interview - 20 Questions to Introduce You to Angie & Sy from FeetDoTravel - Digital Nomad Travel Blogger - California Globetrotter

  1. Where are you headed next?

We plan to do a bit more of Indonesia before we leave in July, then we will fly to Singapore. We did have a plan to see more of SE Asia but that has changed since typing this answer lol. Basically our plans change all the time and unless we have a flight booked, nothing is set in stone.



For more from Feet Do Travel follow them on Facebook, Instagram and on Pinterest!


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Replies to Travel Blogger Interview: Angie & Sy from Feet Do Travel

  1. How awesome of you to feature other bloggers on your site! I love reading about others experiences and see how they are handling life on the road. Great post!

  2. Nice to learn more about Angie and Sy since I have read many of their blogs. I am looking forward to seeing where the adventure takes them! #TheWeeklyPostcard.

  3. It’s always nice to meet new travel bloggers and find out more about them. Angie and Sy are so lucky to be able to travel full time. I hope I’ll be able to get to that point sometime in the future, when my husband retires. #TheWeeklyPostcard

  4. Thank you Lady Lolo for doing us the honour and interviewing us. Your questions were very thought provoking so thank you! I love reading your Travel Blogger series, I know how much fun they are as a way to learn more about other people from my own #SaturdaySpotlight, and it was interesting to be on the other side of those questions. Thanks again Lady Lolo, Love Lady Briggs 😀 #FeetDoTravel

  5. I enjoyed this post and you asked questions that drew interesting answers. I liked your question about the most spontaneous thing that Angie had ever done. I couldn’t imagine her skydiving when she is afraid of heights. Good for her!

  6. This is such a wonderful interview – Angie & Sy are so inspiring! I’m sure they’ll fulfill their dream of working as full-time travel bloggers! Couldn’t help it – and clicked on the Gili islands link: now really want to pack up my bags, buy a one way ticket and never come back! lol Such a discovery!!!! Thanks for sharing #TheWeeklyPostcard

  7. Nice to learn about other traveling couples! We’ve not been to Indonesia but sounds like a fun place to visit. It must be interesting to live on an island- well I guess the UK is also an island but a smaller tropical one 😉 #TheWeeklyPostcard

  8. We love Angie & Sy! We’ve spent years talking about travel, and blogging, and the trials and tribulations of both – and also the thrill and excitement! I remember when they were debating the move to Gili Air. We were SO jealous! In fact, still are. 😉 So great to see them here. Seriously folks, get to know these two. You’ll love them too!

  9. What a great Read! You are asking the right kind of questions and Angie’s writing style gets me hooked on reading every single time. I can’t believe Sy wants to go to Brazil for “a random football match”. Hahaha! This really cracked me up. They really are both such lovely people and the travel blogger community is lucky to have them! Including me haha!

  10. Great to read about Angie and Sy – I take part in their blog share every week. They definitely inspire me to get up and go! Great following their adventures ?#weeklypostcard

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